
Safety measures while boating

This festive season, a lot of families have travelled down to the coast to celebrate with their loved ones. Unfortunately there have been reported incidents of boats capsizing in lamu and pirates mombasa. Safety measures need to be followed to the latter to guarantee security.

Two people drowned at the popular Pirates Beach in Mombasa on Christmas Day after their boat capsized. Police said there were 12 people on board when the incident happened.Mombasa County Police Commander Stephen Matu said the two were among 12 family members who had travelled from Nairobi and had hired a boat for a short trip into the deep seas off the usually crowded public beach in the outskirts of Mombasa city.The family of 12 from Nairobi lost two of their relatives, one member is still in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).The others were successfully rescued as lifesavers and well-wishers answered their distress calls.

While it may be hard to stop a boat from capsizing due to tides and waves, safety measures can be taken before boarding a boat.

1. Wear life jackets and lifebelts

people wearig life jackets

Life jackets and life belts keep you from falling over board and should be an absolutely essential piece of safety equipment on board. Before you set sail, make sure that every passenger has tried on and correctly fitted their vest. If you are traveling with children be sure to check that the vests fit them correctly.

Tip: assign individual vests with crepe tape and waterproof pens, so that everyone is clear on where to find their personal vest.

If winds reach Beaufort force 6, you should start using lifebelts. If you haven’t found your sea legs yet, feel free to use them throughout your boat holiday. These safety belts are attached to stable fastening points – never to the ship’s rail!

Curious fact: apparently, peeing over board at night is the number one cause of death when sailing! No wonder that lifebelts come first place in our top ten boating safety tips.

2. Do not drink on board

Stay focused on board by leaving the wine safely on dry land. Studies show that the chances of getting into a sailing accident almost double if alcohol is involved. Sun, wind and the swell of the sea can also increase the effects of alcohol drastically.

3. Pack a first-aid kit

A good first-aid kit is an absolute must. This includes surgical equipment as well as a good selection of medication for traveling: remedies against seasickness, pain medication, medicine for children etc.

Very important: sunscreen. Sunscreen should be worn every day, particularly if you’re traveling in sunny areas like the indian ocean.

safety measures observed

4. Be weather-wise

Be sure to inform yourself about the local weather conditions before setting sail. If you notice dark clouds, rough winds or sudden drops in temperature it might be time to spend a few on hours on land.

more safety measures;

  1. Follow a pre-departure checklist.
  2. Be weather-wis
  3. Correct clothing and footwear.
  4. Know your sailing area. …
  5. Safe speed. …
  6. Avoid seasickness.

however if the boat capsizes, or someone falls overboard, follow these boating safety tips:

  • Turn off the motor and propellers. If someone is still on the boat, have them turn them off. If everyone has gone overboard and the motor or propellers are still on, your first priority should be to get everyone away from the boat.
  • Remain calm. If you’re wearing a life jacket, float without using too much energy and check to make sure everyone else is safe. If you’re not wearing a life jacket, look for a life jacket or other floating safety device. Don’t try to remove clothing or footwear. Air trapped in clothing can provide additional floatation. If you’re wearing a life jacket, keep it on. Float on your back and paddle slowly and calmly to help others to safety.