
Hiking Safety Tips

These hiking safety tips may seem obvious, but far too many hikers get into dangerous situations because they lack information or preparation. Your hike can stay where it belongs—in your happy memories—with a little fundamental planning. These tips may include;

Make plans for a night.
Day hikes can abruptly transform into overnight excursions in the woods, during which you won’t be roasting marshmallows. It’s critical to be ready for the possibility that you might have to spend the night on the path because getting lost, injuring your ankle, or assisting a fellow hiker with one, could prevent you from returning to the car in time.

Inform Someone Where You Are Going.
It’s a good idea to let someone back in civilization know when you anticipate returning, even if you’re hiking with a buddy. If no one is aware that you might require assistance, you won’t receive it. Make a travel itinerary and give it to a trustworthy person.

Research Your Route on advance
Before setting out on a hike in a new location, familiarize yourself with the route’s length, difficulty level, and elevation increase. Keep track of how far you would need to travel in each direction before you reached a road or body of water. Consider whether your physical condition is sufficient for the elevation increases. An excellent tool for gaining an overview of the landscape is a topographic map.

Bring extra water and snacks.
Hikers typically take only as much water as they anticipate they’ll need because it’s a necessary but unfortunately heavy essential. Dehydration, particularly in the winter or in dry air, is a frequent issue on the trail. Make it a practice to bring a second bottle.
Snacks are necessary for boosting morale and energy as needed. Always keep some energy bars, nuts, or other snacks you prefer in your pack.

Avoid interacting with animals.
Although seeing wildlife while hiking is usually a blessing, you should be prepared for interactions.

Begin the day early.
The benefits of starting your hike early are numerous. The afternoon is when thunderstorms most frequently occur, the light is better for photography, and birds and other wildlife are more busy. More significantly, you’ll have more time before it gets dark to fix problems if they arise.

Be Prepared for Bad Weather.
Although it’s wise to check the forecast, Mother Nature can rapidly alter things. During brief thunderstorms, paths can become slick washouts. Large branches can descend from the sky during strong winds, and simple stream crossings frequently become dangerous. Therefore, its always wise to have an option on how to deal with the changes.