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Gede Ruins to be listed As World Heritage Site 

Gede Ruins to be listed As World Heritage Site 

Plans are underway to list the iconic archaeological Gede ruins in Kilifi County as a World Heritage Site under the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) Secretary General Dr Evangeline Njoka revealed that the […]

Nakuru Moves To Promote Conference Tourism

Nakuru Moves To Promote Conference Tourism

The County Government of Nakuru is channeling more resources towards promotion of conference tourism to speed up the industry’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. The County Executive Committee Member (CEC) for Trade, Francis Mwangi, said the County was engaging […]

Amazing Places To Visit In Mombasa

Amazing Places To Visit In Mombasa

Mombasa is a belching, burping beachside city that is at least 800 years old. Ancient, handsome, steamy, dusty and tumultuous. Rich and poor, old and new, fight for space between the tuk-tuks and donkeys, the oil refineries and the white sand […]

Wasini Island, Home of the Dolphins

Wasini Island, Home of the Dolphins

Wasini Island is surrounded by pristine coral reefs and therefore offers an amazingly beautiful underwater world – ideal for snorkeling or diving. Besides being one of the best snorkeling and diving areas along Kenya’s coast, the waters around Wasini are […]