
Jet Lag: Symptoms And Prevention Measures

Everyone who makes a fast trip across numerous time zones may have jet lag, commonly known as jet lag disorder.
Circadian rhythms refer to the biological clock that runs inside your body. When to stay awake and when to go to sleep, they let your body know.
Your body’s internal clock is set to the time zone in where you originally resided, which causes jet lag. The time zone where you’ve traveled hasn’t changed. You are more prone to have jet lag the more time zones you have traveled through.
Daytime exhaustion, a sick sensation, difficulty staying awake, and gastrointestinal issues can all be brought on by jet lag. Even if symptoms are transient, they can make you uneasy while traveling for pleasure or for work. But you can help by taking action to prevent or lessen the effects of jet lag.

Symptoms Of Jet Lag
The signs of jet lag can differ. One symptom can be all you have, or you might have numerous. The following sleep issues, such as difficulty falling asleep or getting up early, may be signs of jet lag.
Daytime drowsiness
being unable to concentrate or perform at your normal level.
diarrhea or other gastrointestinal issues.
a general sense of being unwell
mood swings

Causes Of Jet Lag

cabin pressure and environment in airplanes
Regardless of crossing time zones, some research indicates that cabin pressure changes and high altitudes connected with flight travel may contribute to some symptoms of jet lag.
In addition, there is less dampness in aircraft. You run the risk of being slightly dehydrated if you don’t consume enough water during your travel. Dehydration may also contribute to some symptoms of jet lag.

an interference with your circadian cycle
Any time you travel across two or more time zones, jet lag may set in. Your internal clock becomes out of sync with the time in your new location when you cross different time zones. Your circadian rhythms, often known as your internal clock, control your sleep-wake cycle.
This implies that it takes your body a few days to adjust. Your sleep-wake cycle and other bodily processes like hunger and bowel movements continue to be out of sync during this time.

Impact of sunlight
Sunlight has a significant impact on circadian rhythms. Melatonin is a hormone that aids in the coordination of bodily cells, and light has an impact on how it is regulated.

The hypothalamus is a region of the brain that receives light signals from cells in the tissue at the back of the eye. The hypothalamus instructs the pineal gland, a tiny brain organ, to release melatonin when nighttime light levels are low. In the daytime, the opposite happens. Melatonin is little released by the pineal gland.

You might be able to speed up your adjustment to a new time zone by being exposed to daylight because light is so important to your internal clock. The timing of the light, however, must be done correctly.\

A few straightforward actions could help prevent jet lag or lessen its effects:

Be there early. Try to come a few days early to give your body time to acclimatize if you have a crucial meeting or other occasion that requires you to be at your best.
Before your travel, get enough of sleep. Lack of sleep before departure makes jet lag worse.

Adjust your schedule gradually before you depart. Try going to bed an hour earlier each night for a few days prior to your vacation if you are heading to the east. For few nights before to your flight, if you’re going west, set your bedtime one hour later. Try to time your meals as closely as you can to when you’ll be eating them while traveling.
Remain hydrated. To combat the effects of dry air, consume plenty of liquids before, during, and after your journey.

Try to sleep on the plane if it’s nighttime at your destination. Earplugs, headphones and eye masks can help block noise and light. If it’s daytime where you’re going, resist the urge to sleep.