
Menengai Crater

Menengai Crater is situated about two hours and thirty minutes from Nairobi City, in Nakuru County and it is the second-largest caldera in Africa in the shape of Krakatau. Of course, it is also one of the world’s largest volcano calderas.
Menengai Crater offers breathtaking views of the crater’s interior as well as the vicinity of Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria. According to reports, the caldera and volcano both originated around 8,000 years ago and over 200,000 years ago, respectively. Numerous post-caldera lava flows have covered the caldera’s floor.
The Menengai volcano’s caldera has relatively little silt, a dense concentration of lava rocks, and inaccessible ridges, making it one of the best-preserved Krakatau-style calderas in the world. The Kenya Forest Service guards the Crater, which is encircled by a beautiful forest. You can see Kirk’s dik-dik, slender mongooses, and there are many flowering plants and grasses. Mountain reedbuck, tree hyrax, and black-faced vervet monkeys can be found here. Along with other woodland bird species, it is also home to the Verreaux eagle, the Abyssinian ground hornbill, and the African Marsh Harrier.

Activities that can be undertaken at the crater

1.Touring Menengai Caldera

The largest volcano caldera in Kenya is Menengai Crater. Additionally, a sizable portion of the Caldera is covered in post-caldera lava flows. The caldera’s material is mainly made up of a dense pile of lava boulders and ridges. Even now, there is still volcanic activity, which is exploited by Kenya’s geothermal power plant to produce energy. The stunning Menengai Crater caldera attracts tourists from all over the world and features large circular rims and plunging cliffs that will take your breath away.

2. Picnicking

There are campgrounds nearby, so you can schedule a trip there for camping and other activities. People take picnics and go on photo shoots at the crater and its caverns. Because of its peace and tranquility, it makes a good picnic location.

3. Visit the Menengai Caves

In the woodland, there are two caves. During the Kenyan Independence War, the Mau Mau liberation fighters used both caves as hiding places. They now draw pilgrims who come to worship, meditate, fast, and reflect from all parts of Kenya.

4. Photography and Site Seeing

A beautiful view of Lake Bogoria, Nakuru town, and Lake Nakuru can be found from the Menengai Crater. It’s a fantastic location for photography.

5. Mountain Biking and Hiking

Along the nature walk winding through the Menengai forest, you can bike or stroll with your companions while taking in the surrounding breeze and chattering birds. Visitors who wish to go hiking, running, or dog walking frequently visit the crater. You can walk from the Menengai Crater viewpoint around the crater and back to the starting point, or you can hire a local guide to take you there and back. The distance from the main gate is roughly 6 kilometers, and hikers can travel that distance by foot, by motorbike, or with a local guide. No photograph can adequately convey the unforgettable nature of the about four-hour journey. Planning a visit  is worthwhile and see it for yourself.

6. Camping

This is a good picnic site for camping.

7. Bird Watching

Watch different bird species as you hike and trek along the crater and forest trail leading to the caves.